


12. Fermín S. V. Bazán, Luciano Bedin, Mansur I. Ismailov, Leonardo S. Borges, Inverse time-dependent source problem for the heat equation with a nonlocal Wentzell-Neumann boundary condition, v. 8, p. 1747-1771, 2023.

11. Leonardo S. Borges, Luciano Bedin, Fermín S. V. Bazán, Multidomain Chebyshev pseudo-spectral method applied to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for two parallel plates, v. 127, p. 15, 2021.

10. Leandro B. Morgado and Leonardo S. Borges, Álbuns de figurinhas: uma abordagem via Cadeias de Markov. REMAT – Revista Eletrônica da Matemática, v. 5, n. 1, p. 101-113, 2019.

9. Leonardo S. Borges, Fermín S.V. Bazán and Luciano Bedin, A projection‐based algorithm for ℓ2‐ℓp Tikhonov regularization. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 41, p. 5919-5938, 2018.

8. Fabio Bozzoli, Luca Cattani, Sara Rainieri, Fermín S. V. Bazán and Leonardo S. Borges. Estimation of the local heat transfer coefficient in coiled tubes: comparison between Tikhonov regularization method and Gaussian filtering technique. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, v. 27, p. 575-586, 2017.

7. Fermín S. V. Bazán, Luciano Bedin and Leonardo S. Borges. Space-dependent perfusion coefficient estimation in a 2D bioheat transfer problem. Computer Physics Communications, v. 214, p. 18-30, 2017.

6. Leandro Morgado and Leonardo S. Borges. Passeio aleatório: jogo da roleta e apostas esportivas. C. Q. D. – Revista Eletrônica Paulista de Matemática, v. 8, p. 27-35, 2016.

5. Leonardo S. Borges, Fermín S. V. Bazán and Maria C. C. Cunha. Automatic stopping rule for iterative methods in discrete ill-posed problems. Computational & Applied Mathematics), v. 34, p. 1175-1197, 2015.

4. Fabio Bozzoli, Luca Cattani, Sara Rainieri, Fermín. S. V. Bazán and Leonardo S. Borges. Estimation of the local heat-transfer coefficient in the laminar flow regime in coiled tubes by the Tikhonov regularisation method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, v. 72, p. 352-361, 2014.

3. Fermín S. V. Bazán, Maria C. C. Cunha and Leonardo S. Borges. Extension of GKB-FP algorithm to large-scale general-form Tikhonov regularization. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, v. 21, p. 316-339, 2014.

2. Fermín S. V. Bazán, Leonardo S. Borges and Juliano B. Francisco. On a generalization of Reginska’s parameter choice rule and its numerical realization in large-scale multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 219, p. 2100-2113, 2012.

1. Fermín S. V. Bazán and Leonardo S. Borges, GKB-FP: an algorithm for large-scale discrete ill-posed problems. BIT (Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling), v. 50, p. 481-507, 2010.


1. Fermín S. V. Bazán e Leonardo S. Borges, Métodos para problemas inversos de grande porte. XXXII CNMAC – Cuiabá/MT, vol. 39, 102p, 2009.